Monday 12 May 2014

Are you ready for the Revolution?

WHEN: May 16, 2014

WHAT: Food Revolution Day is a day of global action to keep cooking skills alive. It's about the importance of cooking good food and raising awareness of how it impacts our health and happiness.

WHY: Learning how to cook from scratch is one of the most valuable skills a child can learn. This knowledge used to be passed down from generation to generation, but now, with an overreliance on unhealthy convenience foods, millions of people lack the most basic skills to cook for themselves and their families.By educating children about food in a fun and engaging way, we're equipping them and the generations to come, with the skills they need to live healthier lives.

HOW: We want as many people as possible involved in showing children how important it is to understand where food comes from, how to cook it, and how it affects our bodies.

FACT: People who learnt to cook before the age of eight are likely to make as many as FIVE meals from scratch, later in life.